Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Things I Love about Everyday Life

Happy New Year!! I trust your all renew and ready to start 2011! I have been so inspired by the recent posting here on SOC E:spire!! What are things you JUST love about everyday life?? Rejoicing that God gives us a new fresh start everyday. Oh that's enough to make me smile and think happy thoughts. Really it sounds all fuzzy and good, it's a struggle to be positive! I created this layout a while ago and, it is one of my favorites. Ten things I love about everyday LIFE!

1) God's Love                             4)Freedom          7)My Soy Lattes             10)Music
2)Family                                     5) Laughter          8) Making other's smile
3) Teaching my students              6) Creating           9) My new Canon        

                                                  I leave you with this wonderful quote:
                                     I have been absolutely terrified every moment of my life
                                            but I have never let it keep me from doing a
                                                              Single Thing
                                                   That I have wanted to DO!!
                                                         Georgia O' Keefe
                                                                Be Brave
So what do you love about EVERYDAY life? Take some time today and be thankful for all of life's blessing.


  1. Beautiful layout and design! I tried listing 10 and couldn't stop!!!!

  2. Love the quote and pretty layout Chalese!

  3. Very pretty Ms. Chalese. My list is very ong but here are a few: I LOVE the JOY I feel each day, LOVE, friends, family, creativity, a good hot meal, exercise and sweating, flexibility and strength, laughter, a loving touch, a smile!



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