Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy 10th Anniversary Scraps of Color!!!!!!!!!! ENTER TO WIN!

Woot Woot!  Today is the day!  Today we celebrate 10 years of sistahood!  And all week long we are going to be Turnt up for 10!  Yeh, baby!

I cannot even express my excitement and gratitude for this day and the AMAZING SOC Family!  However, what I can do is have a bit of fun!  Woohoo!

It's the SOC 10th Anniversary!  So let's celebrate the number 10.  This day represents relationships, creativity, fun, laughter, crying, dancing, joking, sharing, caring, growing, ....LIFE!  It represents so many wonderful things, people, places and qualities. So why don't we celebrate all that is good and wonderful.

Leave a comment below telling us 10 wonderful things about the last 10 days of your life.  Every comment that includes those 10 wonderful things will be entered to win a $10 gift card to Michaels. 

BONUS:  By listing your 10 things you are sure to experience feelings of joy and gratitude.  Therefore, brightening your day and the day of others.  YES!  Win! 10!

Happy Anniversary SOC and to all the incredible ladies and gentlemen who have helped to build this AWESOME community!

Thank you for 10 great years!
Tiare and Robert Woods

PS. Stayed tuned and "turnt up," there's more!


  1. Let's get this party started, Happy Birthday SOC! I am listing my 10 in random order and a combination of people and things.
    1. Waking up with a sound mind and the activity of my limbs.
    2. God's grace and mercy.
    3. My children
    4. My scrappin' family
    5. Eddie
    6. Technology
    7. My parents
    8. Education
    9. Memories
    10. Second chances

  2. 1. Having peace of mind.
    2. Having a supportive husband.
    3. Having wonderful children & grandkids.
    4. Having great health.
    5. Having a spiritual connection with God.
    6. The opportunity to help others.
    7. Making someone smile or laugh.
    8. Supportive extended family.
    9. Receiving help from others.
    10. Having a place to call home.

  3. Health
    Protection and Peace
    2 Ears; 1 Mouth
    90 on the test
    Excellent Little Black Dress Tea outing with friends
    Meeting new people
    Support for my craft

  4. Congrats SOC! Ten things!
    1. Phenomenal husband
    2. Awesome children who work hard
    3. gorgeous fall weather
    4. flexible boss and work schedule
    5. great motivating leader at Weight Watchers :)
    6. unsweet tea from Dunkin Donuts (I am addicted)
    7. unexpected phone call from an old friend
    8. snail mail with crafty goodies
    9. walked a 5K despite my Plantar Fasciitis
    10. special concert with my boyz (hubby and son) yesterday

  5. 1. Healthy, in my right mind, Thank god
    2. Love of My Husband, and Family
    3. 5 Great Grandsons
    4. My Rescue Dog Georgia!! She rescued Me!!
    5. SOC, Encouragement which leads to Motivation
    6. Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Helped me to focus on others, rekindle relationships, HOPE
    7. Beautiful Fall Days to get outside and Walk, weed my garden, and prepare for the winter days ahead.
    8. My Neighbors
    9. My Co-worker Alexandra
    10. My Faith

  6. Wow! 10 things :-)

    1. Recognizing that I have a gift from God...took a minute to hone in my craft skills.
    2. My family.
    3. My employer.
    4. Life lessons....still learning :-)
    5. Knowing that there are other crafters like me. Feels pretty good to see so much talent and the great loving attitude of all.
    6. Lol, money to purchase these lovely embellishments and papercraft goodies...
    7. Viewing the videos and the pictures of SOC and how you all share with excitement. It makes it easier to learn and grow.
    8. Garage sales are the best, which feeds my creative juices...hehehe. Going with my sons teaches them the true value of a dollar. Yup, they're hooked also.
    9. Knowing that listing 10 things will be an incentive for others and to keep me going.
    10. Spending random Mommy Daughter days at the nail salon and hair salon.

  7. Congrats on 10!!
    1. I have a wonderful family.
    2. My girls made me smile!!
    3. Treasured moments talking to my Mom each morning on my way to work.
    4. I love to craft and used my creativity to make Breast Cancer Awareness cards for a special occasion.
    5. Blessed to be strong enough to start trying to live a healthier life style...Bootcamp is kicking my butt!.
    6. Enjoyed a movie with the family Saturday.
    7. Caught up and watched Season 4 of Walking Dead with my daughter.
    8. My God is an awesome God and I am truly Blessed!!
    9. Focused on a new business opportunity.
    10. Supportive family and friends.

  8. Congrats!!!!!
    1. the love and protection of God
    2. my family
    3. scrapjunkies (my cropping buddies)
    4. the Rat Pack (our group of 4 over 65 ladies who have big fun always)
    5. my church family
    6. my daughter and her successful fight with breast cancer
    7. the stories of my greatgranddaughter and her kindergarten year of school
    8. my trip to Dallas last weekend'
    9. the wonderful cool fall weather
    10. my wonderful memories of my 29 years of marriage with my wonderful husband

  9. happy birthday SOC! here's my 10:
    1. the sweet hummingbirds that have been visiting my home
    2. that my son has found a wonderful job and a new place to live
    3. our debut singing group performance at church this past weekend
    4. a few special people at work who care about the same things i do
    5. a safe home
    6. a loving husband
    7. being able to help my stepdaughter when she needed it
    8. all my wonderful art supplies and the ability to use them!
    9. a mind that works intelligently and creatively
    10. God's love showing up every day!

  10. My heavenly Father
    Saving grace of Jesus Christ
    Waking up in my right mind
    a loving husband
    loving son and daughter
    4 wonderful grandkids
    a wonderful mother
    wonderful crafting friends
    blessings that are new every morning

  11. Family
    Spiritual growth
    Being able to make someone else smile
    Peace of Mind
    Gods grace and Mercy

  12. Congratz on your 10 yrs, I am inspired an in awe of the creativity and willingess to share on this site, look forward to the next 10 yrs.

  13. Forgot my 10 things:




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