Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sistah Retreat 12 - Photos!


I am recuperating from Sistah Retreat 12 and thought I'd share some photos. Right now...I have NO scrapbooking photos from this event.   Well this is the 12th time we've done this. The photos keep changing.  Keeping our books interesting and fun.  LOL!

Anyway we have some that stay until Monday.  We always go out for dinner on Sunday night.  And this year after dinner we stopped at a carnival..not planned...but such fun!

On Monday, some of us continue the fun by finding a spot somewhere around town to take photos and just have way too much fun!  Here are 4 of my favorites from our fun day.

Scrapbooking brings together so many wonderful women and we have cultivated some really GREAT friendships!  And the fun doesn't stop at scrapbooking.

I hope this makes you smile...like it makes me smile.  BIG!!!

Have a GREAT week!



  1. so glad you guys had a fantastic time!!!! :):):)

  2. Looks like ya'll had a truly fab time!

  3. Y'all had a fabulous time I see. I hope to catch the next one..

  4. Beautiful bunch of ladies!!! Glad y'all had a wonderful time!!



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